Institut für Kommunikationstechnik Institut Aktuelles
4th Workshop on Network Calculus (WoNeCa-4)

4th Workshop on Network Calculus (WoNeCa-4)

February 28, 2018, Erlangen, co-located with MMB

The network calculus has established as a versatile methodology for the queueing analysis of resource sharing based systems. Its prospect is that it can deal with problems that are fundamentally hard for alternative methodologies, based on the fact that it works with bounds rather than striving for exact solutions. The high modeling power of the network calculus has been transposed into several important applications for network engineering problems, traditionally in the Internet’s Quality of Service proposals IntServ and DiffServ, and more recently in diverse environments such as wireless sensor networks, switched Ethernets, or Systems-on-Chip.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers with an interest in the theory of network calculus as well as those who want to apply existing results in new applications. The workshop will serve to promote the network calculus theory to researchers with an interest in applied queueing models for data communication.

For details see: